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Computer and Internet Access Policy

NPL Policy Manual 2021

The Library provides access to computer equipment and software, wireless and the Internet to complement other information resources and to enhance access to electronic services for informational, educational and recreational purposes.

This policy applies to all types of computer usage on the premises of the Library or on the Library network, including public computers, personal laptops and mobile devices, as well as use of the Library’s wireless network. Please take the time to read to ensure the safety of yourselves and your children.

1. These services may not be used for any purpose that is unlawful, or in any manner that could bring harm to people or damage to our property or other’s property. This includes downloading copyrighted material, pornography or other illegal material; publishing defamatory material or statements; using the service in the commission of a crime or for any other illegal purpose.
2. Parents, legal guardians or caregivers are responsible for monitoring internet sites and information accessed by their children, whether or not the child is a Library member.
3. The Library endorses the Canadian Library Association’s Statement on Intellectual Freedom and believes that freedom of access to information is vital to the health and development of a democratic environment.
4. Public computer access and wireless service is available to all Library users in good standing.
5. To ensure equitable access to computers, the Library may impose limits and guidelines for use that may be modified at the discretion of the Board.
6. Public computers are situated in Library areas where content may be visible to other members. Users are expected to employ public computers with respect for the privacy and rights of others.
7. Public computers will only contain software licensed by the Library. Users are not permitted to alter, tamper with or damage the Library’s computer equipment or software configuration.
8. Free wireless internet access is available to all users.
9. The Internet is an unregulated worldwide network of computers to which information is uploaded from a vast variety of resources. It contains information and opinions that range in scope from reliable and authoritative to controversial or extremely offensive. Some information found on the Internet may not be accurate, complete or current. Users must assess for themselves the validity of the information found.
10. The library does not guarantee that the mechanical functions of this service will be uninterrupted or that the service will meet any specific requirements of the users. The Library will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages sustained or incurred in connection with the use of or inability to use the service.
11. The Library respects the member’s rights to confidentiality and privacy in the use of electronic information networks and resources. The Library will endeavor not to store any individual information on member’s internet use or other library electronic information sources.
12. The Library provides designated computers for use solely by teens, children and preschoolers. These computers contain programs rated as suitable for children and are designed for education and entertainment. They are not for use by adults.
13. Children under the age of 13 require the signature of a parent or guardian to authorize use of the designated children’s computers which are equipped with commercial filters. The Library cannot guarantee that filters will block all objectionable material.

Users violating these conditions may receive a suspension or loss of privilege. Any illegal activity involving the Library’s internet resources will be subject to prosecution by the appropriate authorities.