Week of Events
Pen Pal Club
Pen Pal Club
Libraries across the Kootenays are bringing back the lost art of correspondence. Join the club and we will match you up with someone to correspond with by snail mail. This is a great opportunity to encourage one another in a trying time! Here is how it works: Register by emailing Melodie Rae at mstorey@nelson.ca and […]
Kootenay Teen News
Kootenay Teen News
The Kootenay Library Federation is introducing a Kootenay-wide newspaper created by teens for teens! Interested in getting involved? We need all sorts of content creators: writers reporters photojournalists We can teach you everything you need to know! Get in touch by emailing Melodie Rae at mstorey@nelson.ca
Kootenay Girls
Kootenay Girls
Kootenay Girls: A Mother Daughter Book Club for ages 11-13. April 27, 6:30pm on zoom. CBAL and the library are teaming up to offer this book club! We will read The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart. Register by emailing Sayre at sknight@cbal.org and copies of the book can be picked up at […]