In a corner of the library you will find a shelf full of unusual items that might surprise you! We call this collection of items our Library of Things and you can check them out and take them home just a like a book. These days you will find puzzles, ukuleles, board games and Go-Pros on the shelves.
Recently, we added a Mahjong game, a hiking-for-beginners kit and kitchen equipment you can use to can or dehydrate foods. Click here to explore the full collection of things.
Devices and Tech
Some of the devices on loan are tools you may just need once in a while, to check things in your home. These include Radon detectors, C02 monitors, kill-a-watt power readers and thermal camera attachments. Thermal imaging can be used to detect heat loss, poor insulation or water leaks. To prevent costly equipment failures, borrow a thermal camera attachment for your Apple or Android phone.
Other devices we have include Chromebooks (laptops), pedometers and tech kits for kids who want an introduction to robotics.
Games and Puzzles
Games and puzzles are our most popular Library of Things items. From family-friendly card games to lawn games, we’ve got everything you need for your next Game Night.
Instead of checking out a book, why not take a whole backpack full of resources and info home?! We have several backpacks for young learners on topics and issues that can be tough for adults to navigate without some support, such as anti-bullying, anti-racism and literacy. Other backpacks are for outdoor adventures, like our bat pack, birdwatching and nature exploration backpacks.
…and More!
There really are a lot of treasures to explore in our Library of Things. Explore our full collection, or talk to a librarian about other resources in the collection.