Week of Events
Teen Fire-Smart Model House Design Contest
Teen Fire-Smart Model House Design Contest
Pick up a take-away kit, learn about emergency preparedness, and build a model of a fire-resilient house. Send a photo of your creation to emaconachie@nelson.ca for a chance to win a cool prize!
Cookies and Conversation
Cookies and Conversation
Practice your English skills at this drop-in program for newcomer adults. Bring your kids! Toys, games, and crafts available for children ages 0-5. Tea and cookies provided. To register or learn more contact: Katherine Van der Veen, Settlement Worker, nelsonsettlement@cbal.org, or text 250-505-6047.
Summer Reading Club Medal Ceremony
Summer Reading Club Medal Ceremony
No-registration necessary! Everyone who participated in the BC Summer Reading Club Reading Record is invited to collect their medals at our special medal ceremony (don't worry if you have not completed 100% of your Reading Tracker). We will have games, guests, and pre-lunch cake!