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Citizenship & Newcomers

Nelson Community Resources

  • Settlement Services from CBAL (Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy) – CBAL offers support for immigrants and newcomers to help them settle successfully and make meaningful connections in their community. We offer English language instruction, workshops, events, and 1-on-1 support for newcomers. Please contact: Katie McNeil, Settlement Worker and Language Instructor ( / 250-505-6047).

BC Websites

  • Immigrant Services Society of BC – provides free immigrant services including settlement support, employment programs, English classes, and more.
  • NewToBC – Find out services, programs and resources available to newcomers at, a website offered by BC Libraries to help you succeed in your new community.
  • Skilled Immigrant InfoCentre – a virtual resource centre that connects skilled immigrants, community service providers and BC public libraries. Assistance is provided to skilled immigrants who qualified in a trade or profession in their home country and would like to find the same type of work in BC.
  • WelcomeBC will help you find a career path in the province, and learn the steps you can take to find a job that matches your skills, training and experience.

Canadian Websites

  • Citizenship and Immigration Canada – Government of Canada site which explains the requirements for becoming a Canadian citizen and how to apply. Also provides information on the status of individual applications, and how long the process may take.
  • Discover Canada – This is a web version of the study booklet for Canadian citizenship. The booklet can also be downloaded in pdf form.
  • Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) – Immigrants wanting to settle and stay in rural and northern communities. Castlegar and Trail are being considered for this pilot starting in mid-2021.

Looking for services not covered here?

Please ask a Librarian!. We are here to help.

You can also call 211 for a free, confidential, multilingual information and referral line to a full range of community, social, and government services. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.