Brandi Morin: On the Frontlines of Indigenous Land Defence
Online! See event detailsIndigenous communities are on the frontlines of the most devastating climate catastrophes across the world. And they are also leading the most powerful movements to stop the expansion of the fossil fuel industry, major culprits of these disasters. Brandi Morin risks her freedom to report on these protest movements, and brings us the most critical […]
Amnesty Internaional Write-For-Rights Event
Nelson Public Library 602 Stanley St., Nelson, BCWrite a letter - change a life! Join Amnesty Internaional for the 22nd annual Write-For-Rights Event!
Saturday Storytime
Nelson Public Library - lower level 602 Stanley St., Nelson, BCJoin Jackie for Saturday Storytime, followed by a craft! Storytime 10:30 to 11am Craft Table 11am to noon **Saturday Storytimes are held once a month, keep an eye on the event calendar and the bulletin board at the bottom of the Library stairs for the dates!
Book Babes
Nelson Public Library - lower level 602 Stanley St., Nelson, BCBring your 0 to 18 month olds to the Library for rhymes, songs & stories! A great way to meet other parents and caregivers, and enhance early literacy skills in a casual environment. Drop-in. TUESDAYS at 10:30
Afterschool Crafternoon
Nelson Public Library - lower level 602 Stanley St., Nelson, BCDrop in between 3:30 and 4:30 every Tuesday for CRAFTERNOON! Crafts, LEGO, Ozobots, DatoDuo, STEAM stations & more! Every week is a bit different. Activities will be geared towards school aged children aged 5-13.
Slocan Park Storytime + Mobile Library
Slocan Park Hall 3036 BC-6, Slocan ParkNew Slocan Valley Outreach date and Location, EVERYBODY WELCOME! Attention families: Children's Librarian Jackie is joining the Teddy Bear Club as a monthly special guest, 10am to 10:30. Attention Slocan Valley readers: there will be books to browse, check out and return material, and sign up for a library card (all you need is ID […]
From the Heart
Nelson Public Library - lower level 602 Stanley St., Nelson, BCFrom the Heart is a monthly learning circle committed to listening and learning from Indigenous voices, often through a book study. For the Fall, our theme is conversations. What is next […]
Family Storytime
Nelson Public Library - lower level 602 Stanley St., Nelson, BCDrop by the Library Thursday mornings at 10:30 come to sing your favourite songs and hear some great stories! All ages welcome.
Children’s programming on Break
Children's Programming will take a short break over the Winter Holidays, resuming on Tuesday January 9th! Have a warm and wonderful winter break!
Freedom Quest Wednesday
Nelson Public Library - lower level 602 Stanley St., Nelson, BCWant to learn more about harm reduction? Do you have questions about substance use and addiction? Join Freedom Quest's Mandy Root, Prevention Coordinator and Youth Substance Use Counsellor, for pizza […]