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Printing Services

From your device or computer?

  • Click this link: Print on the Go! and search your files for what you want to print.
  • Payment: Go to the Self Service Station near the Printer/Photocopier, and pay by coin. Or, to pay by card, ask at the front desk to release your print job.

From the library computers?

  • Download what you would like to print to the desktop (these will be deleted after you log off).
  • Open the file by clicking on the icon–this will open it in the correct program from which to print.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen. More instructions are on posters at the computer station.
  • Payment: Go to the Self Service Station near the Printer/Photocopier, enter your email and pay by coin. Or, to pay by card, ask at the library desk to release your print job.

Files from your email?

  • To email an attachment: (black and white) (b/w double-sided) (colour) (colour double-sided)
  • Notes: 1. Ensure your email has something in the subject line, and 2. Only your attachment will print — to print your email, save it as a file and send as an attachment.
  • Forwarding an email with an attachment: 1. Copy an email from above, and 2. Paste the email in the ‘To:’ field of your your email with the attachment.
  • Payment: Go to the Self Service Station near the Printer/Photocopier, enter your email and pay by coin. Or, to pay by card, ask at the library desk to release your print job.

Photocopying & Scanning

  • Scanning documents is free of charge.
  • Sorry, no faxing.